Thursday, June 19, 2008

Conversation with Peter Cook on the State of Things

If I didn’t sit on a jury with a great educator like Sir Peter Cook, in USC the day before, perhaps this conversation would never materialize. Most certainly, the comments inserted during that studio review made me wanting to talk with Sir Peter Cook on the state of the architectural education and continue my own ‘slide presentation’ of distinguished educators, seeking ‘the empirical truth’ about the incredible shrinking of free thought, mainly in N. America’s great white architecture schools.
In the end, if you think I am all over the place, you might be right, I am... But, then again...

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Cal Poly Pomona Senior Project Review; Class of 2008

Sometimes you are just inspired to write a review of something because it triggered something in you, left you with some hope, outlook and familiar perspective on something you are interested.
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